192 Test your Fairy knowledge Read and follow each question, then once you have had a think, click on your answer to test your fairy knowledge. 1 / 8 Which element is Rae? Shadow Light Earth 2 / 8 How do fairies fly and travel around the Fairy World? By train Their wings! By car 3 / 8 Who lives in Blossom Balloon? Kai Skye Rae 4 / 8 How many plantimal friends does Tara have? 1 2 3 5 / 8 What are in the bottles that fairies can grow plants with? Magic Pancakes Seeds 6 / 8 What is Kai and Kibo’s home called? Well of Wishes Blossom Balloon Nettles 7 / 8 Which fairy grows red cabbage? Tara Rae Skye 8 / 8 Who is Luna’s best friend? Kibo Snap Nettles Your score is Restart quiz