426 Which fairy are you? 1 / 7 What is your favourite activity? Swimming Singing Going on adventures with your friends Exploring nature Stargazing 2 / 7 What is your favourite game to play? Water fight Racing with my friends I’m the one who comes up with game ideas for my friends! Playing I spy Playing hide and seek 3 / 7 Where would be your dream magical home? Well of Wishes Blossom Balloon Hop’s Hideaway Hedgehog Haven Nettles’ Nook 4 / 7 What foods do you love to eat? Flapjack Tacos Fruity Jelly Sandwiches and wraps Rainbow Salads 5 / 7 How would you describe yourself? Chill and a free spirit Loves to explore and travel Creative Thoughtful Courageous 6 / 7 Which plantimal(s) would you like to be best friends with? Kibo the marigold fish Snap the snap dragon Hop the tree frog The Hedgehoglets: Twigs, Prickles & Quill Nettles the Catcus 7 / 7 What is your favourite colour? Aqua Blue Sky Blue Sunshine Yellow Terracotta Orange Dusk Purple